Schwarzweißdenken Zusatzmaterial
Schwarzweißdenken Zusatzmaterial

Black and White Thinking

What it means to honestly talk about racism

  • Anti-racism does not work without solidarity

  • What the fight against racism demands from white people

  • Young author with media affinity who works as a journalist at Süddeutsche Zeitung

The NSU murders, Halle and Hanau - right-wing hate has become everyday life in Germany. Yet it was the racism debate in the USA that led to large parts of German civil society actively protesting. But why does Black Lives Matter gain more participation than what happens on your own doorstep? Sara Behbehani’s theory: because you can wear and discard the anti-racism from the USA like the newest pair of sneakers. But for what happens here, everyone is responsible. Behbehani demands that it is now time for those who benefit from white privilege to seriously look into the worlds of the “others”, it is time for a new dialogue to begin. Her book is an impressive instruction manual for listening in a polarised migration society. With her energetic plea for a better coexistence, she expands the perspective in a narrowed debate and shows new ways of approaching each other.

Contact Foreign Rights
  • Publisher: Droemer HC
  • Release: 02.11.2021
  • 288 pages
Moritz Kilian

Sara Maria Behbehani

Sara Maria Behbehani, born in 1992 in Bremen, is a journalist and lives in Munich. After studying German Studies, Romance Studies and Theatre Studies, she has been working for the Süddeutsche Zeitung since 2019 and has recently moved to the Buch Zwei department.